Does Your Senior Loved One Need In-Home Care? Signs To Look For

As you spend time with your loved one, you might begin to notice changes in them. They may seem more forgetful or not as social. They might have lost weight or have concerning wounds. If this happens, you might need to think about personal in-home care. If you are unsure whether or not in-home care would be ideal for your senior loved one, consider looking out for the following signs:

Memory Issues

There is no one with a perfect memory, but your loved one's memory can begin to fade as they age. Simple things to remember to do daily may not resonate with them as they once did. Things like forgetting the names of people they are close to, leaving the stove on, locking themselves out of their home, and the like could mean the onset of dementia. Dangerous things can happen when your loved one's memory starts fading, and in-home care may be necessary for their safety.

Balance Problems

As people age, their balance begins to decrease. The ability to simply step over something small in a room or walk up or downstairs can become catastrophic. Falls are among the leading causes of injuries in senior citizens. Combined with a pre-existing condition, such as Parkinson's Disease, a fall can lead to a lifetime of debilitation. Having someone from a personal care service check in on your loved one and ensure their home is safe from obstacles can be very beneficial.

Lack of Hygiene

Have you noticed a decline in the hygiene of your loved one? They may no longer care about their appearance. Wearing stained or dirty clothing, not brushing their teeth, not bathing, and anything else out of the ordinary may signal a need for someone to see them daily to ensure their daily hygiene needs are met.

Disinterest in Socializing

Many seniors spend a lot of time socializing with their friends, particularly when they are retired and have extra free time. If your loved one no longer shows an interest in going and doing the activities they enjoy may be signs of a problem. They may feel depressed, or they do not physically feel well. An in-home care provider can keep tabs on your loved ones to ensure they are in good physical and mental health.

It is important to remain on top of your loved one's health as they age. Using an in-home personal care provider can be so beneficial in keeping you in the know of your loved one's needs.

For more information, turn to an assisted home care service such as Moonlight Home Health Care.
